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The month of September, 2024, is here and almost gone. Among other highlights, it’s the month when the editor of this blog articles turns the page: Happy Birthday!

  • It has been a decade of researching and penning down, often struggling on what to prioritize and share regarding this unending battle between conventional agriculture proponents and agroecological agriculture proponents. Needless to state the author belongs to the later grouping and hence why the title of this month’s blog article is ‘The fight for Seed Sovereignty erupts under the guise of toxic Pesticides and their link to Cancers…guess who is behind this!

  • All along we,(the advocates and activists) assumed that all was ‘fair game’ and that it was all about creating awareness among stakeholders, especially among farmers and consumers, to enable them make informed choices on whether to use pesticides and practice conventional farming which promotes use of synthetic pesticides and patented hybrid seeds(including GMOs!) or to embrace the alternative farming system aka agroecological regenerative farming systems which advocates for the promotion, protection and preservation of indigenous or traditional seeds and the diversity thereof.
  • Unlike the patented hybrid seeds which are often expensive and unaffordable, the indigenous seed varieties are ‘not of sale’. These seeds have sustained people’s food needs, over millennia without the use of newly introduced synthetic pesticides (made from petrochemicals and left overs of the war industry!) and owned by monopoly corporations, like Monsanto-Bayer and Syngenta, among others.
  • Recent developments related to new restrictive agricultural policies, in Kenya and other African countries point to disturbing revelations that the opponents of non-synthetic pesticides farming (agroecological organic farming) are not just Big Agric industry but also the involvement of agricultural agencies of the USA government!
  • As way forward, to counter this unfair character assassination and defamatory smear campaign that has been targeted at the messenger(some of us) rather than the message, some bold and enlightened policy makers are taking steps in the right direction to promote, protect and preserve indigenous-traditional seeds to safeguard our food independence and food sovereignty, in Africa: Have a listen to this eloquent presentation by a Ugandan Parliamentarian: Other Parliamentarians in African countries should borrow a leaf and safeguard African Seed varieties:
  • After reading, listening and watching these shocking revealations, you know why scientific evidence and the truthful representation of findings to farmers and consumers is no longer the criteria which determines what is inputs go into your soil as farm inputs; these include seeds, herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Eventually these toxic pesticide residues are part of what you consume…they have been scientifically linked to cancers and other chronic conditions like Parkinsons disease and Alzheimer’s disease, among other chronic diseases:
  • Apparently, it is a political agenda… is about Control, Power and Profits!

Thank you for reading and for your continued patronage. Let us connect next month⯑

The month of August 2024 is here and soon ebbing away. There is evidence of many changes at the local, national, regional and global level; For keen observers of trends and patterns, one thing stands out; an increasing level of toxic energy manifesting as high levels of anxiety and uncertainty about the future, restlessness and hopelessness, especially among the youth.

  • The question that begs an answer is why is this the obtaining reality?
  • Part of the answer is embedded in the title of this month’s blog article ‘You Eat what you kill! How Big Pharma keeps you sick!’


  • For some of us who have been trained and are skilled in the sciences of interpreting trends of diseases and their distribution, a Public Health sub-specialty called Epidemiology, we are aware that there is an increasing burden of disease, especially chronic diseases, collectively described as Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs).
  • What is causing this rise of these largely lifestyle and food consumption related diseases or disease syndromes? Accumulating evidence points to a condition called ‘metabolic syndrome’…it is the root cause of all these ‘man-made’ diseases which Big Pharma profits from which in turn is caused by the toxic foods that are increasingly consumed.
  • For one to appreciate the genesis and context of ‘You Eat What you kill! How Big Pharma keeps you sick! Make time and listen to the ‘expose’ from the bold pair of siblings, a specialist doctor and a seasoned political lobbyist, turned healthy foods and lifestyles advocates. Caution: This is the kind of revelations that neither Medical Schools nor Big Pharma wish exposed!
  • Listen in here:
  • If you have made the time to listen to the above video, from start to finish, you will understand the Why? What? Who? And the How? Of an increasing level of toxic energy (the opposite of good energy!) manifesting as anxiety and uncertainty about the future, restless and hopelessness, especially among the youth, on a global scale.
  • What is the solution to this problem? Specifically, what is the recommended way forward to address this toxic trend and reverse the rapid decline of human health, fertility, and wellbeing?
  • The intuitive answer is simple bur unfornately made difficult due to the current dominant forces of Big Agric, Big Food, Big Pharma and Big Vaccines, that are collectively hellbent to profit from human sickness and suffering, to make huge Profits, Control the rest of humanity and consolidate Power!
  • Listen to this interview by two brilliant and passionate young advocates and practitioners of Agroecology and Organic foods; Brian Omoke aka The Organic Guy and Nasike, CEO of the Hummingbird Foundation which promotes organic farms in schools:
  • Finally, here’s one more video, from the blog author, Peter Mokaya aka Dr. Organic on how Big Agric and Big Pharma have colluded to flood the market with GMO seeds which feed on Glyphosate, commonly referred to as Roundup Weedkiller, a toxic and carcinogenic chemical to grow food, which foods in turn make you sick while Big Agric, Big Food and Big Pharma make huge profits from your sickness!
  • Here is the video:
  • Thank you for reading and listening. Join us next month for more!

The month of June is here and not only marks the end of the first half of 2024, but also the unprecendented manifestation of a generational discontent with the status quo of the political leadership and its excesses...these expressions are not representative of the wishes of the people, especially the aspirations of the young generation in Kenya. The spill over of the anger and frustration, led by the Generation Zee(GenZ),  has resulted in spontaneous countrywide demonstrations culminating in a bloody occupation of Parliament and the rejection of the unpopular 2024 Finance Bill. 

One may ask what has this got to do with the article of this month which focuses on the organic perspective to the recently held Africa Soil Health Summit? The Health of the Soil is largely determined by the type of inputs(chemical/synthetic versus biological) that are applied to the soil resulting in either soil degradation or soil regeneration depending on the policies that the government in power puts in place. These policies  have a direct impact on not just food security but also on the health of the citizenry, who are consumers of the produce of the soil. 

This month's article which is titled an organic perspective of the Africa Soil Health Summit reproduces the article by Brian Omoke aka The Organic Guy, published elsewhere, which highlights the high level African governments support for a shift from conventional chemical/mineral soil inputs to biological/ organic soil amendments to enrich soils.

Sit back and enjoy the reading and the colourful videos, show casing top policy leaders in Africa advocating for a shift towards use of organic soil inputs and other biological soil amendments, instead of synthetic-chemical fertilizers.

The 2024 Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit, held from May 7–9 in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme Listen to the Land, brought together key stakeholders to emphasize the critical role of soil health and fertility in driving sustainable, pro-poor productivity growth in African agriculture.

The month of July, 2024 is here and with it the cold season has set in, in Kenya and most of East Africa. Additionally, the 2024 Olympic Games are set to commence on the 26th of July; this month!

As a follow up article from the last two blog articles which focused on the Africa Soil Health Summit and the shift towards all things organic and agroecologically aligned; this month’s article is a ‘copy and paste’ of the article by a mentee of the author of these article series, Brian Omoke aka the ‘Organic Guy’. He has written an exciting article on Paris Olympics 2024 serving Organic foods to athletes and attendees; https://theorganicguy.substack.com/p/paris-2024-olympics-to-serve-athletes

  • This development highlights a historical event of monumental proportions for those of us who have been promoting consumption of organic foods and all things organic, for over a decade and half.
  • The serving of athletes and attendees’ organic foods during the 2024 Olympic Games is not only a major marketing promotion for consuming organic foods but also an affirmation that, finally, the world is coming around to embrace and mainstream organic foods and all things organic.

Here below is the article: (where bolded is for emphasis)

The much-anticipated 2024 Paris Olympic Games, set to commence on July 26, 2024, will host approximately 15,000 professional athletes worldwide. As these athletes descend on Paris for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, they will be treated to an array of organic foods designed to enhance their performance and promote sustainability. 

With over 13 million meals to be served throughout the event, 30 percent of all ingredients will be certified organic, highlighting the organizers’ commitment to health and environmental stewardship. The catering logistics are staggering, with around 40,000 meals served daily during the summer Olympics. 

A significant focus has been placed on local sourcing, with 80 percent of the menu ingredients coming from within France and 25 percent from within a 250-kilometer radius of Paris. This not only ensures freshness and quality but also supports local agriculture and reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation.

Olympic pole vaulter Ernest John Obiena remarked, “I have to eat clean and I have to eat whole foods to compete in the best shape I can. They will know what I have to eat as a professional athlete,” reflecting the tailored approach to nutrition that the Paris Games are championing.

This innovative approach to athlete nutrition at the Paris Olympics underscores a growing recognition of the link between diet, performance, and sustainability. The 2024 Paris Olympics are setting a new standard for major sporting events by prioritizing organic, locally sourced, and plant-based foods.

  • For those who may need further convincing why organic foods is the way to go, have a listen to the contents of this post: this interview was recorded in 2019…more than 5 years ago! https://theorganicguy.substack.com/p/why-going-organic-is-a-must-w-dr-5dd
  • The exciting new is that, 5 years after that interview, Paris Olympics, 2024 is serving daily organic meals…over the entire period of the Olympic Games.
  • Thank you and let’s connect next month.

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Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

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