Did you know that Breakthrough Scientific Findings suggest a link between Fermented Organic Foods and better Health and Longevity?

Good people of Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA),

Some of you have advised that if I keep the articles short and sweet you will read them!

I have heeded the advice: Here below is a short and sweet summary of the health benefits of consuming fermented organic foods, especially fermented vegetables aka “fermented saga “ and others…. and fermented organic-grass fed milk aka “maziwa lala”…avoid the “dead” varieties from supermarkets , including yogurt!

 They include:

  • Reduction of inflammatory gut diseases aka intestinal diseases…in simple terms, if you consume more of this organic-fermented products there will be reduction of painful swelling and poor absorption in your stomach and intestines…
  • Boosting your immune system…up to 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
  • Improving absorption of micro-nutrients from the healthy food you eat….meaning if your gut is dysfunctioning you are wasting all the nutritious food you are eating.
  • Increasing your “good bacteria” which results in weight reduction…..not bad!
  • Reducing the “bad bacteria” which cause gut diseases like Crohn’s disease.
  • Reducing or treating allergic conditions: The “good bacteria” have been associated with reduction of allergic conditions; including asthma…there is research evidence from Johns Hopkins University researchers…and other researchers.
  • Improving absorption of micro-nutrients: The “good bacteria”  assist in  metabolism  and absorption of essential amino-acids: These  include tyrosine and tryptophan which are associated with mood elevation and a feeling of wellness.
  • Improving moods and treating depression: There is scientific evidence that, in conjunction with sunshine (Vit D), a good dose of pre-biotics and pro-biotics) can treat depression better than anti-depressants! And side effects!

What foods should you avoid? Toxins loaded foods.

These include:

  • Foods cultivated with PESTICIDES….especially RounduP pesticide….the worst!
  • Any foods from animals, poultry and pigs which have been fed on ANTIBIOTICS and HORMONES to enhance growth and to kill bacteria.
  • “Broiler chicken” and their products, homogenized and pasteurized milk with “low fat”.

And for those of you who want to READ more…see story at a glance….and don’t forget to check the REFERENCEs section:


Story at-a-glance


  • Your microbiome may be a primary factor determining your health and longevity
  • Specific species of bacteria appear to have specialized functions and abilities to prevent disease; Faecalibacterium prausnitzii appear to play an important anti-inflammatory role in the human microbiota
  • While genetic factors can predispose you to inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s, research shows it’s actually the loss of specific anti-inflammatory microbes that ultimately allow the disease to blossom.

Sources and References