Happy New Year 2015...cellphones are harming your health....and some tips on how to keep your 2015 Resolutions...

Good people of OCA,

Happy New Year! 

Welcome back....hope you are well rested and ready to "rock" 2015.

  • Have you made any resolutions for 2015? I hope they include some on how to IMPROVE your health....ORGANICALLY!


  • Good people, i know we cannot do without our "beloved" cell phones, but do be careful and try to minimize their USE....especially, among childen; Mounting research evidence seems to suggest increasing numbers of Gliomas or BRAIN CANCERS caused by many hours of cumulative and frequent use of cellphones....click here for more....


  • And while some of you were partying and enjoying a well deserved break, some of us were busy adding to your ORGANIC WELLNESS "bank"..our Website and BLOG are up and running...check us here  http://organicconsumers.co.ke/


As always, at OCA, we believe, Your Health is Your First Wealth.....

Yours truely,

Peter Mokaya