VIDEO CLIP...leveraging MASS MEDIA to create awareness on probably the MOST important HEALTH issue of the decade...

Good people of OCA,
The year is coming to an end and with it a time of reflection.... and deep introspection....what did we ACHIEVE?

  • And did we LEARN anything new? Information is PoWER or rather the USE of that information...


  • Martin Luther King Jr. famously quoted "...our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter...."


  • And the Irish Stateman Edward Burke quoted "...the only thing necessary for  the triumph of evil is for good men(and i add women) to do nothing"
  • ...and did you know that...since 1996, when GMOs were introduced in the USA, Glyphosate(aka RoundUP), initially registered as an antibiotic, now used as a very common pesticide, its USE and application has increased by 12 fold?


  •  And that the Food and Drug Adminstration(FDA), the equivalent of our NBA/KEPHIS/KEBS/?Pharmacy and Poisons Board, has DOUBLED the allowable amounts of glyphosate in the food system!?


  • ...and that during that period, according to Jeffrey Smith..."a majority of Americans eat GMO foods numerous times a day, as unconscious participants, in the largest uncontrolled experiement in the history of the world!"?.....


  • ...and that, Megan Thompson, the executive Director of the Non-GMO Project recently cited worldwide CONSUMER resistance to GM foods, with more than thirty six countries either resistricting  or banning GMOs because of SAFETY concerns?


  • ...She also revealed that Americans ignorance of GMO's prevalence when she shared how 90 percent of CONSUMERS say they won't eat GM foods, despite that fact that they had eaten them for breakfast!


  • Did you know that 50 years ago, the average American family used to spend about 16 percent of their budget on food and only 8 percent on HEALTHCARE costs, but today, they spend only 8 percent of their budget on food(cheap government subsidized food, mainly corn(80% GMO), soya(90% GMO), canolla/rape seed oi(90% GMO, sugar beet(100% GMO), wheat and SUGAR laden factory processed "foods') AND more than 16 percent of their budgets on HEALTHCARE costs??? Bad Food = BAD Health....


  • ...and did you know that the rates of OBESITY, alongside other chronic diseases like diabetes, have more than DOUBLED during that period, when GMO foods were introduced into their Standard American Diet(SAD)?


  • ...and did you know that HEART Disease is the leading cause of death in USA, followed by CANCER? And that these diseases and the related costs have been INcREASING and are projected to increase....USA healthcare costs are currently more than USD1.5 Trillion dollars...that is MORE than the health budgets of the next five developed countries health care budgets combined!!! GOsh!


  • ..And finally, coming back home, in Kenya, in Africa, can we AFFORD these GMO foods?


  • ....don't we have enough challenges/problems as it is? Why do we want to allow our food sovereignty to be "SOLD" as a commercial product for PROFIT by the global corporates?


  • ...perhaps, after the brief outline, you can start SEEING the "big picture" and appreciating WHY this issue is perhaps the biggest HEALTH(including environmental health) issue of the decade and i dare say the century....that is WHY am doing my two cents of speaking out....

That is yhy, at OCA, we believe...."Your Health is Your First Weatlh" here for more on OCA and our blog

Click the links below for an overview of what happening with the plans for corporate take over of our FOOD....if we do not SPEAK out and resist these deliberate efforts to commoditize seed and FOOD.....and to CONTROL food and by extension....LIFE...


These is the video that run on our news yesterday GBS tv,kindly Wycliffe GBS tv?