The Festive Season is here and with it the's some affordable Organic & healthy options...

Good people of OCA,

  • Did you know bone broth was packed with rich nutrients and has so many health benefits?


  • And did you know that Organic free range eggs, from chicken raised outdoors as REAL chicken, have higher nutritional content than the "confined chicken feeding operations" aka KenChic type eggs?
  • ....when buying your Festive Season chicken, THINK ABOUT what they FEED those "broiler chicken' for them to become "fully grown" and ready for you(and your family) to eat, in a MATTER of 6 to 10 weeks! Rather than the natural 6 to 10 MONTHS.


  • about if i reminded you that the poor chicken are pumped with growth hormones, toxic vaccines, antibiotics and "forced" to feed on corn/soya by products(some of which are GMOs if the corn/soya products are imported from USA)?


  • ...IF the saying "you are what you eat" is true....any wonder YOU are aging prematurely...or are tired and sickly?
  • And what do you think the hormones and toxins are doing to your daughters and sons health?
  •  Might that explain the allergies? obesity? or other illnesses that are on the INCREASE lately?
click here and

At OCA, as always, we believe....."Your Health is Your First Wealth"....