Did you know supermarket yogurt is a raw deal? Homemade Organically made yogurt is the REAL DEAL...

Good of people of OCA,

  • ...did you know that so called yogurt, from the supermarket is mostly sugar and "dead" probiotics?


  • ...the better alternative is homemade yogurt aka "maziwa lala' preferably from raw organic milk, locally sourced...
  • ...why? Because the locally prepared yogurt is loaded with beneficial bacteria aka probiotics which are good for your gut health..


  • ...for example, lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria has been found to be beneficial in detoxifying heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and other environmental toxins which are harmful to your body...they also assist your body to synthesize essential vitamins, assist in the absorption of essential minerals like magnesium which your body needs to aid the use and metabolism all other minerals i.e calcium, iron, phoshorus, potassium and sulphur.....
  • Recent research suggests that MAGNESIUM, SULPHUR and SELENIUM  deficiencies may explain osteoporosis, autism, heart disease and diabetes, respectively, among other major metabolic dysfunction....details in separate blog update....


  • ...additionally, gut bacteria are in involved in your weight management, heart  health and brain health, including reducing anxiety, depression and stress aka gut-brain connection axis...


  • .....open link and READ for more.....

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...At OCA, we believe......"Your Health is Your First Wealth"......