Did you know these about VACCINES?

For this week, i am only sharing ONE article.....if i were you, i would OPEN and READ(and check the references section too!)..might save your life or a loved ones....

  • be careful of GMO vaccines and all things GMO...READ the evidence....am PRO-evidence and not against vaccines or GMOs per se....genetic engineering is only a TOOL....you can use it well or misuse it....it appears it is being misused...
  • are these new varieties of vaccines SAFE? Do we have evidence of safety? Do u know of the CDC MMR vaccine debacle?
  • DO we have scientific evidence of "collateral damage" &"contamination" resulting in serious ill health in recipients? YES.

Can People Receiving Live Virus Vaccines Transmit Vaccine Strain Virus to Others?

As always, at OCA, we remind YOU that...."Your Health is Your First Wealth"...