How is soil health and regeneration key to averting an impending existential threat in the context of COVID-19?

The month of October is about gone and with it a ray of hope that the COVID-19 Pandemic is abating or is it? There are many lessons we have learned over the last almost two years from this unprecedented pandemic. Never before in the history of humankind have so many lessons being learnt in such a short time. How do these lessons relate to soil health?

  • In this month’s blog article and the next two months before the end of year, the author intends to share key “lessons learned” by sharing with you voices of alternative thought, from thought leaders who discuss scientifically backed evidence which demonstrates that it is not “vaccines” that have saved humanity but rather the innate immunity, the unsung hero; the microbiome.
  • How else does one explain that African countries, with the lowest vaccination coverage have among the lowest mortality rates in the world, with the exception of South Africa - which paradoxically has among the highest vaccination rates in Africa and yet one of the highest mortality rates on the continent?
  • It is even more baffling that the US and UK (and Israel) with unlimited access to vaccines and advanced healthcare systems continue to record among the highest rates of infection and mortality from COVID-19.
  • Here below, are some possible explanations as shared by Alternative Thought Leaders whose voices are often muzzled and their websites either pulled down or deliberately tinkered with to avoid the messages getting out to the masses.
  • Listen to the interviews...decide if they make sense and appeal to your intellect – if they do, share among your networks, including on social media and avert an existential threat to humanity.
  • Let us start with a discussion between two alternative thought physicians, Dr. Zach Bush and Dr. Peter Mokaya in a dialogue centered around the “microbiome” and how soil regeneration holds the key to healing the human gut and the microbiome.
  • In addition to reading the article, make time and watch the embedded video is mind blowing how Dr. Bush, a genius of sorts, connects the dots and eloquently explains how the “soil microbiome’ is intrinsically linked to the “human microbiome” and how viruses(including COVID-19) are not the real enemy but rather how our weakened innate immune system interfaces with microbes, and why there is an urgent need to remove agrochemicals and synthetic pesticides from our soils, water, air and the food we consume. That is the only way to restore the broken gut lining and close the “leaky gut” joints of the one cell layer of cells that prevents toxins and other unwanted substances from entering our blood system from the gut.
  • Next is a visit to rural Zimbabwe, with a local celebrity chef, DeAnkarra Chef, Taf Anifasi, Back to the Future : During his travels he discovers traditional dishes in Rushingam in rural Zimbabwe: Listen in as he explains why/how traditional ways of growing local foods, grown without agrochemicals not using GMO seeds, are prepared into mouth watering and finger licking cuisines. These indigenous foods the path to the future of healthy food and the stratety to avert impending pandemics and an existential threat:
  • Finally, listen to the author of the blog, sharing his perspectives on findings of a Nutridecisions Study in Muranga, Kenya, pitched in the context of answering the question “How is soil health regeneration the key to averting an impending human existential threat?”
  • If you like the contents, share. The discussion continues next month. Thank you. Asante.