Do people know the harmful similarities between genetically modified foods and the mRNA experimental COVID-19 vaccines?

Time keeps moving...welcome to 2022...January happened and is just about gone. We continue with our evidence based awareness creation and sharing of “tit bits” on how to achieve Wellness and Health by working in harmony with nature as opposed to working against nature.

How? By applying agro ecological  principles and approaches as opposed to conventional toxic approaches that promote untested and harmful gene editing technology. 

  • In this month’s blog article we provide evidence, which is the “tip of the iceberg”, on the harm and toxicity of mRNA experimental gene therapies which are packaged and sold to humanity as “novel vaccines” to address COVID-19. We provide evidence to the contrary: evidence suggesting that the manufacturers of these “vaccines” knew that they cause harm and are unsafe, with many known and unknown side effects!
  • But first, here is a reminder to get healthy and stay healthy in 2022: Have a listen.

  • For those who have been with us on this journey and have been reading our previous blog articles, you may have noticed several parallels between “owners” of GMO seeds and related increased use of synthetic pesticides and corresponding profits that accrue from controlling farm inputs and the COVID-19 pandemic and the ‘treatments” for COVID-19, especially the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna companies.
  • A closer look at who “owns” both enterprises and who is making staggering profits from the sale of GMO seeds and the experimental gene therapies, one cannot miss to note that the same gene editing technology is applied in these mRNA vaccines.
  • Do we have evidence that these “novel vaccines”, just like their counterpart “gene edited seeds” are unsafe? Yes, we do. Surprisingly, from the manufacturer’s own data!
  • The above evidence is further collaborated with the powerful presentation by Dr. Robert Malone, the co-inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform
  • Do you need more evidence to be convinced these mRNA vaccines are harmful and unsafe?

In view of the overwhelming evidence, what is the way forward?

  • For some, unfortunately, it may be too late if they have already been jabbed with these experimental gene therapies. Informed consent should have been sought. But there is hope and a way to minimize the side effects of these harmful toxins.
  • Eat healthy agroecologically organic grown foods, avoid GMO foods, avoid or minimize pesticide residues in food AND exercise to get healthy and maintain health.

Finally, just like we started this article, take a few minutes and listen to the blog author, in a 2015 interview, explain how to achieve and maintain wellness, without resorting to harmful toxins.