Are COVID-19 vaccines causing more harm than good? The convergence of toxicity re-visited...which way forward?

The month of February, 2022, is only a few days from expiry: Today is the 22rd of February, also written as 22022022, a rare palindrome sequence akin to the short palindromic sequences of the CRISPR-cas 9 gene editing technology used in gene editing to produce GMO seeds and  in developing the mRNA “novel vaccines” for COVID-19!

This month’s article will focus on answering the question, “Are COVID-19 vaccines doing more harm than good?” and suggesting a solution, as way forward, in detoxifying the body.

  • While there are clear signs that the pandemic(or is it a plandemic?) is abating, there is evidence that a “new pandemic” is emerging; this pandemic is, apparently, caused by the “novel vaccines”, namely the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”.
  • These mRNA “vaccines”, by WHO and CDC’s own definition, do not fit the definition of traditional vaccines as they neither provide protection from being infected nor from transmitting the disease. As such they are strictly speaking not vaccines but rather experimental gene therapies. These gene therapies are being tried on humans, as “guinea pigs”. This action is against the Nuremberg Code which stipulates that the patient should provide informed consent before they can be injected, with a provision to decline the injection, if they decide not to be injected.
  • Here is peer reviewed evidence that showing clear harm from the Pfizer vaccine:
  • The above peer reviewed publication supported document adequately answers the question as to whether these ‘vaccines” are doing more harm than good. Evidently, they trigger complex harmful mechanisms in the body that result in inflammatory and immunological reactions that manifest as dysfunctions  within various body organs and systems. The “spike protein” from the vaccination accumulates and concentrates in the brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the gonads(reproductive organs) and the blood vessel walls.
  • The resulting pathologies manifest as clotting and other blood dysfunctions, including low platelet counts leading to thrombocytopaenia....the list is rapidly expanding to include cancers!
  • Here is evidence of the increasing vaccine induced pathologies:

These include vaccine induced toxicity resulting in increased miscarriages, cancers and neurological disorders!

  • Here is the latest evidence of MORE infections and hospitalizations from vaccinated persons as compared to non-vaccinated persons:
  • Now that the question of whether these mRNA vaccine cause harm or not has been answered(supported by reliable scientific evidence), can we address possible remedies to those already vaccinated?
  • Is there any hope for those vaccinated with these toxic synthetic lab assembled nucleotide sequenced gene segments (gene therapies) which trigger immunological dysfunctions and a whole new array of harmful effects, as shared in this article?

What is the way forward?

  • Firstly, there is need to radically change the dietary intake and avoid toxic foods, loaded with pesticides and other environmental toxins and instead consume safe and nutritious organically grown foods which naturally detoxify the body.
  • Secondly, there is need to remove toxins from the body by adopting a healthy lifestyle: Listen to this video interview by the author of this blog:
  • Thirdly, Mike Adams aka the Health Ranger proposes some herbal remedies for detoxifying the body from the effects of these mRNA vaccines, to allow for the removal and healing of the body, over time. Here the article:
  • In summary, a complete lifestyle change including dietary and physical exercises is recommended, in addition to mental and spiritual detoxification.