What does gene editing, GMOs, glyphosate in Roundup formulations have to do with what you eat and the festive season?

The month of December is here and with it the festive season …and the feasting…for many, December is a celebratory month – the celebrations, invariably, include eating and drinking – the question is, what does gene editing, GMOs, Roundup and its various formulations have to do with our stomachs that should concern us?

  • There is increasing evidence that “ (healthy) food is medicine” and that unhealthy food causes disease” …the same “Father of Modern Medicine” Hippocrates, in 431 B.C, is said to have made this less known quote: “ all disease begins and ends in the gut”….
  • Here is the increasing evidence that bacteria and other “germs” in our gut aka stomach and intestines respond positively or negatively to what we eat, including during this festive season. https://www.nature.com/news/gut-microbes-can-shape-responses-to-cancer-immunotherapy-1.22938
  • What is gene editing and how is it related to GMOs? Gene editing is a new GMO technology: A good example is CRISPS cas9 which manipulates natural gene sequences, at DNA level, to change the sequences and combinations, using laboratory techniques, with the intent of achieving certain desired traits or outcomes in plants, animals and human beings.
  • The latest application of these technologies is the GMO mosquitoes, under the Target Malaria Project, discussed in some detail here: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/31/17344406/crispr-mosquito-malaria-gene-drive-editing-target-africa-regulation-gmo
  • If you think that GMO “madness” has spared modification of human beings, think again! Our worst fears have been confirmed - using CRISPR cas9, a gene editing technology has been used to manipulate human cell lines to create “patented designer babies”… a rogue Chinese researcher has “genetically engineered” via in-vitro fertilization(IVF) two twin babies, supposedly resistant to HIV!! This is the culmination of what we have been cautioning about the safety(and risks) from GMOs(and gene drives) – there is urgent need to apply the Precautionary Principle (CBD,Cartegena-Nagoya Protocols) on these genetically designed organisms(GDOs)– that someday, some reckless scientist will do the unthinkable – that is, play God:That day has happened! Here is the evidence. https://sustainablepulse.com/2018/11/27/global-anger-erupts-after-chinese-scientist-claims-first-gene-edited-babies/#.XAKbP9szbIX
  • Are GMO foods safe and healthy to consume? Their toxicity and harm to human health is well documented (refer to previous articles on the OCA blog series).
  • Do we have any evidence of damage to our guts from GMOs? Plenty. GMOs are patented and owned by global multinational seed and chemical corporations (e.g Bayer-Monsanto and Syngenta-ChemChina) with power and control of the food system as the intent. They serve as “Trojan Horses” for toxic herbicide use: HT GMO maize, for example, is manipulated to be tolerant to glyphosate aka Roundup formulations which are the most widespread trait of GMOs crops on the global market. Needless to state, the driving force is higher profits from higher sales(in billions of dollars!) and not health and safety.
  • The evidence? Here it is: https://www.gmoevidence.com/dr-judy-carman-evidence-of-gmo-harm-in-pig-study/
  • More evidence of the damage GMOs and Roundup formulations, in herbicide residues. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4392553/

Way forward?

  • Eat mindfully…mind your environment (including the blue economy), soil health and soil regeneration, the welfare and livelihood of small scale farmers and importantly, remember to eat naturally grown organic foods with little or no processing - free from disease causing synthetic agro-chemicals – keep off from GMOs and gene edited foods to protect your gut and health.
  • Remember, the only way to achieve the SDGs is to align with Mother Nature - to embrace and mainstream the science, practice and culture of agro-ecology - not to “fight” nature as is currently the practice of the unsustainable industrial-chemical mono-culture farming system.