Do farmers and consumers know how toxic glyphosate aka Roundup based herbicides (GBH) are to human health? One more reason to go Organic.

Finally, January is over and February is here….and with it a sigh of relieve!

While there is financial ease, there is no break from the constant and relentless “poisoning” that goes on unabated from profit motivated USE of toxic and harmful glyphosate based herbicides (GBH). These poisons include all organophosphate based insecticides (for killing insects) and herbicides (for killing weeds)…and also, for slowly “killing” you! Here is what they do to aromatase enzyme that determines healthy sperm production and the balance between androgens and estrogens:

This article shares 5 other things, with evidence, you did not know about GLYPHOSATE aka Roundup “weed killer”:

  • Did you know that these so called “inert” adjuvants are deliberately added by manufacturing companies to increase the “potency” of the “poison” that is glyphosate and indiscriminately applied to soils and plants to grow food for human consumption? Here is the evidence:
  • Did you know that glyphosate, the “inert” formulations and the heavy metal contaminants (arsenic, lead and other heavy metals), work together, synergistically, to INCREASE the toxic effects of the herbicides on human health, including triggering cancers and other NCDs?
  • And finally did you know that most GMOs seeds and plants “feed” exclusively on glyphosate based herbicides,(GBH) and that, the so called “herbicide tolerant GMO traits” are designed to "feed" on these herbicides?. The increasing cultivation of these GMOs cause harm to both humans and the environment. Evidence of harm to the ecosystem: