Do consumers know the“ food politics” which inform whether food is viewed as a commodity for “agribusiness” or as nutritious balanced diet which promotes healthy outcomes and wellness?

Good people,

The month of December is here with us and with it the festivities that go with it. The “food industry”, which unfairly influences agricultural food production policies, is gearing up to feed us with “junk food” and make MONEY: Big money, which they use to lobby policy makers.

  • The SODA and “soft drinks” industries of this world, among others, are gearing up for record sales of their sugar loaded toxic syrups and processed “junk meats” while fully aware that they are “stuffing” us with “sweet poisons” which are contributing to the high rates of obesity and related illness among all age groups, including children. WHY are they allowed to sell processed foods loaded junk foods, trans-fats and refined sugar loaded “poisoned cakes” and getting away with it?
  • It is because are backed by powerful vested “food industry” business interests who only care about PROFITS and their bottom line.
  • Do we have evidence of this? YES:

And here:

Way Forward?