Is the saying “ Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” backed by any scientific evidence? YES: The latest findings are overwhelming….read on.

Good people,

The month of August is here and with it a flurry of activities…including “organic” activities and News Updates: These include:

  • The first ever agro-ecological organic Consumers workshop to be held on the 19th of August. Those invited, dedicated organic consumers, know the venue. The workshop is intended to provide scientific evidence on why agro-ecological organic food production systems are better than conventional systems, including in terms of better yield, productivity, more nutrient density and better health outcomes for farmers and consumers.
  • Did you know that there is increasing scientific evidence, including evidence of prevention and reversal of CANCER and obesity, through the right DIETs and related nutrient dense foods consumption? Dr. Willam Li, The President of the Angiogenesis Foundation, explains in a TED presentation: See link here:
    • And do you need an example and prove of which foods actually STOP growth of cancer cells through a process known as “angiogenesis”? Tomato, with high lycopene content is a good example: Dietary Lycopene, Angiogenesis, and Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Study in the Prostate-Specific Antigen Era
  • Way forward? Eat to prevent and treat cancer and obesity; chemical free!