Do we have any evidence that the “GMO agenda” is more about patents and control of food systems rather than “feeding the world”? Any evidence that organic can feed the world? YES!

Good People,

The month of April is here with us and with it the much awaited rains. And with the rains comes the regeneration of life; green and lush…and much more…all in harmony with nature and not against nature. All freely given…and not for sell!

  • Did you know that, according to the WHO, GMOs are micro-organisms, plant  germplasm, or animal life that contains genetic material from unrelated species inserted into other species to express “novel proteins” or unnatural proteins, that would not have occurred in nature before and whose interactions with nature and human beings are still largely unknown?
  • Did you know that there is an “evil scheme” to destroy African biodiversity by converting traditional non-commercial foods into GMOs? Read the evidence below.
  • Did you know that we now have whole States/Counties that are 100% organic? And countries, like Denmark, that are planning to be 10% organic?

Here is the evidence: