October is here and with it many health challenges; What efforts are we making to take control of our health?

Good people,

October is here with us again: We thank God for life, health, family, friends and materials possessions which enhance our quality of life. More on life values was covered in the previous month’s blog; article for September: For many people October heralds the first month of the last quarter of the year and therefore sends a subliminal message that year end is around the corner. For the Scorpios, it is their time to reflect and welcome a new year: a rebirth of sorts. How about you and me?

Time to start taking stock and reviewing the almost gone year. For us, at OCA,  here are a few reflections, from the past and present, that inform the coming days, weeks and months…

  • At OCA, we have managed to stay the course, with our Mantra remaining as “Your Health is Your First Wealth”…so many reminders of the need to maintain and restore one’s health.
  • We have noted that the world has, finally, waken up to the realization that non-communicable diseases(NCDs), whose precursor is diet related obesity, which include diabetes, heart diseases, hormonal and immune dysfunctional diseases and cancer can be prevented thru’ appropriate diet and other lifestyles changes, including exercise. And that, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recently endorsed, in New York, have included and allocated resources for interventions to mitigate the impending NCDs crisis.
  • On a very personal note, I pause for a minute to acknowledge the passing on of a great patriarch: My dad: Please join me in celebrating his life and times as we reflect on his contributions to humankind. I am part of his legacy!
  • Going forward, can improve health outcomes through preventative approaches that are within the control of each individual; cost effectively, while saving huge costs.

For those who need the EVIDENCE here are a couple of successes, at individual level effort:

  1. A youtube video on Fat, Sick and nearly dead….
  1. Hari Vani, the Food Babe and use of Tumeric to control inflammation…
