Do you want to eat GMO Ugali? Some reasons why you should not…

My response to a recent blog: re:

Thanks Rose(of Blog: Rose’s Corner)  for capturing pertinent concerns regarding possible unconstitutional introduction of transgenic food into our food supply system without regard to SAFETY and HEALTH concerns as embraced in the  Precautionary Principle re: Cartagena Protocol to which Kenya is a signatory. There is mounting scientific evidence, including from WHO, to question the safety of GMOs which are genetically designed to withstand high doses of pesticides,  into the food chain, anywhere in the world, considering the fact that most of the GMOs are designed to use MORE pesticides (as opposed to the lies from biotech lobbyist to the contrary), like Glyphosate( N-phosphono-methyl glycine), an organophosphate,  a key ingredient in the most widely used pesticide/herbicide called RoundUp, patented and owned by Monsanto et al. If you need more evidence of this, just Google it!

It is noteworthy that after many years of advocating for agro-ecological and organic farming approaches which are environmentally friendlly and healthier than promoting industrial agro-chemical farming approaches, with patenting of seeds(and ownership of the same) being the driving force and key motivation for this farming system which may lead to corporate control of most seeds and create food insecurity, as opposed to the lie that GMOs will result in "food security! Furthermore, a Rose pointed out, GMOs seeds are heavily reliant on external synthetic inputs like fertilizers and pesticides since they are intentionally engineered to be dependent on specific pesticides to grow e.g Roundup Ready Maize(to make ugali for human consumption) and other food crops, which are grown and sprayed with repeated doses of a multitude of toxic pesticides. Does the public know that this type of  ugali can, over time, contribute to CANCER in humans?
Did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO), the apex global health authority, recently declared Glyphosate, a pesticide, used in higher doses in GMO corn (maize) is a type 2A carcinogen? Towards that end, shouldn’t policy decisions be made based on unbiased scientific evidence, as provided by WHO, as opposed to biased industry funded and profit motivated "science"?

Do you need the evidence? Just Google WHO Glyphosate carcinogen…

Why would Kenyan regulatory authorities ignore this glaring and scientifically proven FACT about GMOs? Are financial interests taking precedence over health and safety interests? It would be interesting to see how policy makers justify introducing food products, which are, increasingly, being rejected, all over the world, due to mounting scientific evidence of it’s harmful effects, including in the USA, where they are fighting for labeling  laws on GMOs, with strange opposition from biotech industry.

Are they not proud of their products being labelled? Why are they opposing labeling of their products??

Going forward, some of us sincerely believe that INFORMED CHOICE is fundamental, especially in matters of food and food products which one consumes and which, inherently, has a positive or harmful effect on one’s health and wellbeing. Indeed, this is not only a constitutional right, in Kenya, but also a human right. Let those who choose to go ORGANIC , pesticide free foods, have free access to agro-ecologically and organically grown foods, while those who choose to consume "GMO ugali" have the "GMO Ugali" clearly labeled as containing GMO products or transgenic products.

Going forward, it would be prudent for Kenya, given its weak regulatory system to AVOID “GMO ugali,” at all costs. The alternative will be an increasingly sick population, from Non-Communicable Diseases(NCDs), ranging from stomach dysfunctions and related diseases  to more diabetes(and  its complications) and even  more CANCERS, among other chronic diseases...the healthcare budget cannot sustain this increasing disease burden and related high financial COSTS. The WHO has warned of increasing NCDs in developing countries and related unsustainable health costs.

Do we want to make a bad situation worse by introducing GMO ugali? Make an informed CHOICE.
For more evidenced based public awareness creation and healthy lifestyles promotion, Dr. Peter Mokaya, a healthy foods advocate and public health physician, can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.