Did you know that ASPARTAME, the ingredient in “sugar free” products, is made from genetically engineered E. coli Poop?


Good people of OCA,


The month of April is here with us and with it the beginning of the 2rd quarter of 2015.


Here is our “organic article “for the month of April.


The “harmless” sugar supplement called ASPARTAME…it is NOT harmless….just like Roundup is not harmless…..READ on more FACTS.


You could delve into the details here: http://www.janethull.com/healthynews/blog/2013/09/death-and-aspartame-two-words-that-should-never-go-together/


AND here…




But, i suggest you, firstly, read through my outlined information, as per bullets, below:


  • Did you know that ASPARTAME is made from E. coli poop aka “choo” ya E. Coli bacteria?
  • Did you know that most of this ASPARTAME is genetically engineered aka is a GMO?
  • Just google…the owners don’t hide it!! It is PATENTED lab material!
  • Did you know that the company that makes most of this “healthy sugar supplement” called ASPARTAME is called Monsanto aka the same company that manufactures GLPHOSATE aka Roundup?
  • Did you know that this same company made DDT and the toxic Agent Orange?
  • Did you know the same company also controls the global pesticide market?
  • Did you know they are also the leading patented SEEDS owners globally?
  • More recently, together with other biotechs, they have made a more toxic pesticide to address the “superbugs” and “superweeds” which are resistant to Roundup aka 2-4-D….
  • Did you know that Diet Coke   touted as a “health drink” is has ASPARTAME rather than the normal sugar in Coke?
  • Did you know that “normal coke “ contains between 10 to 18 spoonful’s of SUGAR aka sucrose(assuming it is African sugar and not Beetroot, from USA, which is a GMO product)
  • Now back to aspartame….did you know aspartame, the one in diet Coke, is more harmful to your health than the normal coke?
  • Studies have shown that it may be carcinogenic
  • What other common foods contain ASPARTAME? Google to find out!....MANY!
  • The list includes; Diet Coke, “Sugar Free” Chewing Gum, many Yogurts, Some Pastries,…rule of thumb: most Soft Drinks, Chewing Gum, several varieties of breakfast cereals, even some varieties of sausagesand much more!
  • You don’t believe me? Just READ for yourself….go to the internet...it is FREE!!


Way Forward? Want stay healthy and toxic free?


  • For starters, go Organic, Go healthy. This is not a joke. You avoid pesticides, including glyphosate and other toxic chemicals that are harmful to your health.
  • Take fresh vegetable and fruit juices, preferably organic ones, to avoid ASPARTAME and pesticides…..especially Roundup….
  • Eat organic yogurt, milk and other diary products to avoid ASPARTAME and Glyphosate
  • Reduce or avoid altogether consumption of “soff drinks” and related SUGAR loaded products….they speed up metabolic dysfunction leading to INFLAMMATION and many chronic diseases….which include weight gain induced diabetes, blood pressure etc.
  • Avoid SUGAR, especially FRUCTOSE combination with aspartame + glyphosate = BAD HEALTH


Want to know more? Open this link and learn more..

