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December 2022 is just about gone and with it the year 2022 ebbs away into the abyss of history: What developmental lessons have we learnt to date and what does the future portend for humanity?

Unlike previous articles on this blog; see November article here; https://organicconsumersalliance.org/our-blog/181-a-revisit-of-the-convergence-of-toxicity-from-gmos-and-mrna-vaccines-the-post-vaccination-effects-enhanced-by-gmos.html this one, for the month of December, poses an existential question; What developmental lessons have we learnt to date  and what does the future portend for humanity?

  • Humanity is at crossroads; there are only two options to choose from…read on...

Throughout the history of mankind (humankind), human evolution and development has been informed and shaped by two antagonistic forces, the forces of good versus the forces of evil; the forces of positive energy versus the forces of negative energy; the forces aligned with nature versus the forces against nature.

  • Throughout human evolution, man has increasingly exerted and caused the greatest imbalance to the ecosystem in the name of ‘civilization’, this developmental trajectory has, unfortunately, not been informed by the forces aligned with nature and natural harmony with the resultant inequity and injustice we witness today; that inequitable distribution of resources and ensuing inequity and injustice has informed the articulation of the 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs); Here, a summary; https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/
  • The question that begs an answer is; ‘how can the same creators of the social and economic inequity claim to drive the human development agenda towards a state of equity and justice?’
  • Increasing poverty, hunger and deteriorating health outcomes are the three most pressing human existence threats, today, compounded by the ‘climate change crisis’; a direct and indirect result of the capitalistic socio-economic system designed to benefit only a few, especially the emerging exclusive class of the ‘billionaire elite’.
  • This uber wealthy class have accumulated disproportionately massive wealth by leveraging exploitative and extractive means without regard or care as to how the inequitable distribution of wealth has impacted the rest of humanity and the ecosystem.
  • This developmental model that is unjust and inequitable has increasingly manifested in increasing poverty, hunger and ill health (see Sustainable Development goals no. 1, 2 and 3) in addition to the SDGs related to climate change, now ‘climate crisis’.
  • The current human condition is a vicious cycle, exemplified by a broken food system, which can only be fixed if humanity makes radically transformational changes; starting with fixing the food and nutrition system and redistributing wealth. This wealth is currently controlled by a few psychopathic techno-billionaire elites.
  • Who are these techno-elites who perceive themselves as ‘gods’ who think they have the power to ‘hack the human genome and create humans in their own image’?
  • Here is a good starting point; the leadership of the World Economic Forum (WEF) consider themselves as akin to ‘gods with divine power’ to determine the future of the rest of humanity; Have a listen to Klaus Schwab and one of his advisors, Yuval Harari pontificate on how they visualize the future of humanity:
  • Here is a short video in which they articulate their perceived future;
  • Do we have more evidence of their coordinated and strategic plans to ‘create the world in their own image? The image that Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab allude to in the shared video?
  • Yes, there is plenty of evidence; Here is one such video, demonstrating a ‘joint venture’ to replace natural seeds with GMO seeds, the video was shot in Uganda, sometime ago;
  • This is concrete evidence of attempts to re-create the world in their own image, including their patented seeds and food…GMOs and ‘GMO soya based meat products’…one of Bill Gates obsessions…

Going forward the question is… ‘is this how humankind intends to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including how to reduce world poverty, hunger and disease?’  Is there another way? An approach, a system which is more equitable, more just, more caring and in harmony with natural ecosystems?

  • Yes, the good news is that there is another option, one that addresses the 17 SDGs, truly, ‘leaving no one behind’, in a simple yet time tasted ancestral food web, understood and practiced over millennia, by among others, ancient Mexicans;
  • The Three Sisters is an example of an inclusive and indigenous wisdom based method of wholesome, agroecological food cultivation; maize/corn, beans and squash/pumpkins were grown together and synergistically supported each other, hence the name the ‘The Three Sisters’; https://alamedabackyardgrowers.org/a-history-lesson-indigenous-garden-techniques-with-the-three-sisters/
  • A simple yet science informed approach that ensured continuous soil enrichment and a steady supply of safe and nutritious food, without use of harmful, soil destroying synthetic fertilizers and agrochemicals.
  • Here is another example of the preferred option, the agrobiodiversity informed approach which is in alignment with nature and ensures, not only food security but also food sovereignty; where people grow their preferred foods and still retain their tree/forest cover: An example from Tanzania;

  • As next steps, as we enter the year 2023, there is need to redouble our efforts to create awareness among as many people as possible, by all means possible, including leveraging innovative Social Media platforms, like YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, among others, to warn humanity on the impending danger and inherent existential threat from blindly following a small group of psychopathic billionaire elites who are scheming, marketing and executing the exclusive techno-elites controlled food system in which they plan to re-create the world in their image and to play god’, at the expense of the rest of humanity!
  • There is another option, a better way to chart and define the future of humanity; a more just and equitable world order; it includes an inclusive agroecological food system approach, which leaves no one behind.
  • The agroecological food and nutrition system will seamlessly address the current ‘quadruple crises’ of Poverty, Hunger, Burden of Disease and Climate Change in an integrated approach that provides developmental solutions to all the 17 SDGs, especially the interlinked and interconnected challenges of the ‘quadruple crises’.
  • In an effort to create awareness on the better choice of the two options that humanity faces, under the auspices of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa(AFSA) a recently published book has been launched; This book is co-authored by the blog writer, Dr. Peter Mokaya, titled; ‘My Food is African’....download a free copy here: https://afsafrica.org/my-food-is-african-healthy-soil-safe-foods-and-diverse-diets/
  • Enjoy the festive season… remember… ‘My Food is African’ and stay alert
  • Don’t succumb to the less than noble schemes and machinations of the exclusivist future, as defined and executed by World Economic Forum(WEF) elitists who are hellbent to ‘re-create the world in their own image… by playing God’.

The month of November 2022 has come and is almost gone –it is the month during which the Courts of Justice upheld the injunction to prohibit the importation of GMOs into Kenya, essentially reinstating the ban on GMOs…this action was preceded by the unilateral lifting of the ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by Cabinet… without people’s participation as is required by the Constitution.

Genetically modified maize, a staple food for most African countries, is associated with safety concerns. The negative effects, arising out of GMO toxicity, are not only from increased use of synthetic pesticides, but also from the effects of mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, vaccines.

This month’s blog article highlights the twin toxicity from GMOs and mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) …evidence seems to point to serious disruption of reproductive functions with decline of fertility, in cohorts of otherwise healthy populations, arising from this Convergence of Toxicity.

  • These reproductive side effects seem to be compounded by cardiovascular dysfunctions which include an unusual range of heart diseases with blood clotting disorders in previously healthy young people.
  • These multiple toxicity related side effects post-vaccination seem to be as a result of releasing these mRNA vaccines for human use without adequate clinical trials to assess safety. Safety assessment is standard protocol before a new pharmaceutical or medical product is approved for human use.
  • These negative effects were apparently known by a few people in the inner circles of the vaccine industry but were ignored for reasons that apparently go against public good interest.
  • Do we have evidence of a sharp rise in human disease when GMOs were introduced in the USA?
  • Yes we do: A study by Swanson et al demonstrated a significant correlation between the introduction of GMOs and increased pesticide use, especially use of glyphosate, the main ingredient in the Roundup Herbicide in combination with GMOs, resulting in a sharp rise in non-communicable diseases, including heart diseases, diabetes and cancers. https://www.organic-systems.org/journal/92/abstracts/Swanson-et-al.html
  • The referenced study by Swanson et al is confirms a significant association between introduction of GMOs into the food chain, in the USA, with a sharp rise in non-communicable diseases, including diabetes and cancers.
  • Epidemiological evidence, from CDC and other public health data collection centers, across the world, seem to point to increased vulnerability to various diseases, arising from reduced immune robustness caused by the mRNA vaccine injections. Dr. Malone speaks to this in his book ‘The Lies My Government Told Me’.

What is the way forward in mitigating the convergence of toxicity from GMOs and mRNA vaccines?

  • Firstly, the citizenry should insist that government puts in place strict policies and regulations to ensure that farmers and consumers have an environment in which they can make informed choices on whether or not to grow or consume GMOs. This right is Constitutional and a human right.
  • Secondly, Ministries and Departments of government, including food safety regulatory agencies, should be capacitated to ensure the safety of food. Without food safety, there cannot be food security.
  • Thirdly, there is need to mainstream and encourage safer and more sustainable food production and consumption approaches and systems, which include regenerative agroecological organic food systems. These incorporate approaches which embrace indigenous seeds and farming practices which use natural re-cycling systems and discourage the use of petro-chemical based synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, commonly used in the current conventional food system.
  • Fourthly, as way forward, do we have evidence that these alternative safer approaches work and can sustainably feed the world?
  • Yes we do. Here is a good place to start; An Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa(AFSA) Book titled “My Food is African” which the author of this article, Dr. Peter Mokaya co-authored. https://afsafrica.org/my-food-is-african-healthy-soil-safe-foods-and-diverse-diets/

The month of September is here and with it the short rains in some parts of Kenya, however, drought persists in the northern region and some parts of the Horn of Africa.

Famine and hunger are increasingly becoming a national security threat not only in Kenya but also in many African countries – however - did you know that a commonly used week killer called Roundup Weed Killer is a silent killer that poses a monumental public health concern?

  • Accordingly, in this month’s article we deviate from the normal approach where we share the scientific evidence to support whatever issue we highlight by identifying the problem and making recommendations for healthier, safer and more environmentally sustainable ways of growing safer and healthier foods, to letting you listen to an interview/discussion of two young people who are passionate about growing healthy foods organically and letting you, the listener, make an informed decision as to whether glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup, is a silent killer or not.
  • Here is the podcast as presented by “The Organic Guy”, an organic student of the editor of this blog. Brian Omoke, the interviewer, has grown to become a global advocate and passionate promoter of organic foods and related food systems: Have a listen here:
  • Having listened to the podcast, it is hoped that you are now aware that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, packaged as a “harmless” Weed Killer is in reality a harmful and toxic product which is a slow killer; it kills useful soil micro-organisms and damages your gut micro-organisms resulting in multiple systemic dysfunctions which manifest in a broad range of chronic conditions, including cancers, obesity, diabetes and autism....the list of ill effects is almost endless. Unfortunately, most farmers and consumers are not aware that their favorite weed killer is a silent killer!
  • As next steps, the author of this article challenges you, in an interview conducted by “The Organic Guy” , to take control of your health and view it as your business

The month of October 2022 has come and is almost gone – it will be a significant month, the month which heralded genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into Kenya. It will remain deeply edged in our collective memory – a most painful memory for those of us who are aware of the monumental consequences of this "rushed" policy decision. The ecosystem health and socio-economic impacts of the “blanket approval” are yet to be internalized by the vast majority of Kenyans. In our view and that of many others, the decision was ill-advised and reckless. It deliberately ignored a government commissioned Scientific Task Force Report and its recommendations (can be accessed on limited basis) which provided well researched scientific evidence and recommended a “Precautionary Principle Approach” to the introduction of GMOs.

This October is therefore significant as the month that Kenya officially become “GMO Country”!!

In alignment with the aforementioned, this month’s article focuses on what to expect, with the introduction of GMOs, based on a case study of the USA, the “home of GMOs” . Additionally, the article shares the science to prove that GMOs, despite being consumed by humans, are not backed by any human epidemiological or clinical studies to demonstrate their safety. None.

  • In addition, evidence of gut inflammatory changes and other organs of pigs, which were fed on Bt. Maize and Soya, in the Judy Carman studies, pro-GMO scientists claim that introducing Bt. Maize GMOs will reduce farmers use of pesticides. This is misinformation and at best, only half-truths. Why?
  • Because what these scientists don’t tell the farmers is that the genetically modified maize(Bt. Maize)produces a transgenic bacillus thuriengiesis toxin which converts the maize seed and entire maize plant into a “pesticide factory”. The unnatural laboratory genetic modification converts the normal maize into unnatural GMO Maize becomes a “poison” to kill the stem borer larvae(the pest): What is more, the scientist don’t tell the farmers,  that this “toxin” also kills other useful insects, including pollinators.
  • Furthermore, from a Burkina Faso experiential learning visit,  the article author and other researchers were given evidence that the Bt. toxin also kills domestic animals when consumed as fodder. A higher cost of Bt. cotton production with low returns and other negative outcomes forced the government to revert to traditional non-GMO cotton farming. Is this a scenario likely to obtain in Kenya? Time will tell.
  • The truth of the matter is that, the introduction of GMOs will not only INCREASE the use of harmful pesticides but will also result in an increase of non-communicable diseases in Kenya. A major public health concern. What evidence do we have to support this conclusion? Here  below:
  • The evidence that GMOs introduction will result in overall increase in pesticide use is well documented and published in peer reviewed journals: Here is one such publication by Charles Benbrooke: 


  • Do we have evidence of a sharp rise in human disease when GMOs were introduced in the USA? Yes we do: A study by Swanson et al demonstrated a significant correlation between the introduction of GMOs and increased pesticide use, especially use of glyphosate,the main ingredient in the Roundup Herbicide in combination with GMOs,  resulting in a sharp rise in non-communicable diseases, including heart diseases, diabetes and cancers. https://www.organic-systems.org/journal/92/abstracts/Swanson-et-al.html

Now that we know what to expect as “GMO Country” what are some of the mitigation measures?

  • First of all the citizenry must insist that government puts in place strict policies and regulations to ensure that farmers and consumers have an environment in which they can make informed choices on whether or not to grow or consume GMOs. This right is Constitutional and a human right. It is enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution. The Constitution can be accessed online.
  • Secondly, further research on safety is critical, especially with the participation of the Kenya Medical Research Institute(KEMRI) in partnership with other medical research institutions: The Bt. Maize trait safety studies should include both clinical and epidemiological studies- both short term and long term. It is instructive that the GMO Task Force Findings Report, recommended the same.
  • Respective Ministries and Departments of government, including safety regulatory agencies, should be capacitated to ensure the safety of the food, both imported foods and those locally produced. Without food safety, there cannot be food security. This is the stated UN-FAO definition of Food Security.
  • Thirdly, there is need to mainstream and encourage safer and more sustainable food production and consumption approaches and systems, which include regenerative agroecological organic food systems. These incorporate approaches which embrace indigenous seeds and farming practices which use natural re-cycling systems and discourage the use of petro-chemical based synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, commonly used in the current conventional food system.
  • Fourthly, as way forward, do we have evidence these alternative safer approaches work and can sustainably feed the world? Yes we do. Here is a good place to start; An Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa(AFSA) Book titled “My Food is African” which the author of this article, Dr. Peter Mokaya co-authored. https://afsafrica.org/my-food-is-african-healthy-soil-safe-foods-and-diverse-diets/
  • Finally, we need to create awareness among farmers and consumers about the risks and challenges of GMOs so they can make informed choices. Clearly, there is no “consensus” on the safety of GMO foods and hence why the global debate rages on with a divide right down the middle. Most of the European countries which Kenya trades with, including Germany and UK,  have banned GMOs!
  • Have a listen to views of the author in two recent interviews, on TV and Radio.
  • TV interview:

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Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

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