How is soil health key to averting an impending existential threat in the context of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)?

The month of November is left with only a few days before it disappears into the abyss of history. There are many lessons we have learnt over the last two years from this unprecedented pandemic or is it a plandemic? Never before in the history of humankind have so many lessons been learnt in such a short time. What are some of these lessons in relation to healthy soils, free from harsh agrochemicals, and their impact on non-communicable diseases (NCDs)?

  • The anchor article for this month of November is titled Nutrition and Health, Farming women in Kenya’s Muranga speak out”; this published article, summarizes the perspectives and feedback from those who grow food and prepare it into safe and nutritious food which they serve as meals to their families. Here is the link to the published article.
  • The findings and recommendations from the aforementioned article “Nutrition and health, farming women in Kenya’s Muranga speak out” are summarized in the roll-up banner that was developed, in a participatory manner with the local women, to create awareness on the role of healthy soils and benefits of agroecological organic agricultural practices and consumption(as compared to conventional farming),. The feedback also included factors that determine dietary preferences and food choices.
  • The banner shared, here below, is the product of a partnership between, Organic Consumers Alliance(OCA), ProEcoAfrica, SysCom, KARLO, Icipe and OACK with the Women of Reproductive of age of Muranga County being the primary stakeholders.

  • In addition to the roll up banner that was designed for awareness creation and to provide evidence for informed behavioral change, in general and in particular, highlighting the benefits of growing and consuming safe and nutrient rich diverse local foods to mitigate as an intervention to reduce NCDs, including cancers. From the Muranga Study, the study participants, mostly women of reproductive age, clearly articulated how their transition from growing, selecting, cooking and eating a wide variety of organic foods has improved their health and wellbeing, including reducing and “curing” some NCDs like asthma. Listen to their voices in this video recording.
  • This recent video interview captures the views and perspectives of the women and how healthy soils and the produce thereof, has improved their overall health outcomes including reducing NCDs:
  • The study conducted recently in rural areas of Kangara sub-county of Muranga, Kenya, brings out the voices of women and their perceptions on nutrition and health in the context of a comparison between organic farming and related food systems and food produced from conventional farming in the context of NCDs and people living with non-communicable diseases (PLWNCDs).
  • In addition to the Muranga women’s voices, listen to the author of the blog, sharing his perspectives on findings of the same study, a Nutridecisions Study in Muranga, Kenya, pitched in the context of answering the question “How is soil health regeneration the key to averting an impending human existential threat?”
  • What is the relevance of the above information? As the festive season approaches and matters food and related festivities take center stage, make time and have a listen to this timely reminder of the role of healthy foods, during these apparently unending COVID-19 pandemic times, noting that NCDs, as co-morbidities worsen outcomes of COVID-19 disease.
  • The author also discusses the link between Climate Change and NCDs:
  • Going forward, there is an urgent imperative to broaden the range of preventive interventions by “wearing the inner mask, before we wear the outer mask” aka strengthening the immune system by consuming a wide range of safe and diverse variety of indigenous foods especially vegetables and herbs.
  • If you like the contents of this blog, kindly share with family and friends. The discussion continues next month. Thank you. Asante. Merci.